
(admin) Now You can Promote Faster Blogger!

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Hello Blogger,

Here are the last few M@ilerity fixes and News.

The M@ilerity Mailer is now working fine. There was an issue
happening when You were to save your Mailing messages..
it did not work - now is working fine.

On the Core, some sites were breaking our frames after
viewing the Daily Spotlight so we have added a "Skip Ad"
button (You will see it near the Mailer name).

We will shortly add the List of Mailers on our list and,
for Gold members only, a List with overall visits received
from all the mailers..just for your reference.

We have already added a couple of new Mailers, and more will be
added during the next days. A reminder will be automatically
sent when we add new Mailers.

If You like the site and would like to get a second
opportunity to grab the Yearly it is once more:

Enjoy Mailerity!

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