
The tool I use daily to manage all my TEs.

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Hi #firstname#.

One page on this site shows me all my Traffic Exchange credits.
How many credits are assigned and how many are unassigned at each exchange.
Plus there is a login link next to the unassigned credits so I can easily log in and assign them.

There is another page that does the same for banner impressions, and one also for text impressions.

And there is a page that shows me what commissions are owed at each site and what the cash out threshold is.

As an added bonus, 20+ sites take part in Commando Surf where I earn additional credits for every site viewed. More credits for less work - I definitely use this feature every day.

If you are into building your downlines, it is also a really good downline builder.

It is totally free to join and use, so:
- sign up
- add your favourite Traffic Exchanges
- see how easy it is to monitor all those extra credits you are going to get.

Best wishes,
Pete Tyson


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If you want to create and host your own squeeze pa

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Dear Marketer,

Do you want to create your own squeeze pages but do not want to use a seperate website for each and every one of them.

Introducing HOW TO MAKE AND HOST YOUR OWN SPLASH PAGES. Don't worry there is a seperate section in the ebook for creating splash pages and squeeze pages.

You do have to have one website url up and running from a hosting company. I use my blog url. You just go into your cpanel and there is where you set up the splash page or squeeze page without paying anything extra.

So read the ebook and start your list building today.

Jackie Buckley

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F.ree Traffic 89 AD Blasters To Millions

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HI Blogger,

Hey its Stefanie

89 FREE Email AD Blasters Mail 8.9 Million

2X Daily Just Sign up with your email, and

use the Fly In Form for quicker results,

and the 89 Email Blasters will be delivered

to your inbox in just seconds.

Click Here To Make It Happen

To Your Success
Stefanie Keiser

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*SIMPLE* Blogger, Here's how to earn BIG online..(solution)

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Hello Blogger,

If you're still struggling to earn online and looking for an easy
way to build your online business, we have the perfect solution:

We have a complete system designed to build ANY business.
Imagine getting all these essential tools in ONE platform:

--> Your own Premium Web Hosting
--> Your own Pro Unlimited Autoresponder
--> Your own Landing Page Builder
--> Your own Pro Link Tracker & rotator
--> Your own Unlimited Downline Builder

And at such a low price too (only 10 bucks to get started).

PLUS with The Real Team, you can earn your first commission
even BEFORE you start building your own business.

And the best part is, with just ONE paid member and your own
business platform is F-R-E-E!


Lets make it happen.

Farouk M


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Bet You Never Saw A Downline Builder Like THIS!

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Hello Blogger
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a downline builder where ALL the sites in it were proven sources to get you great results and you could show your referrals REAL PROOF of this?

How much do you think this would improve your signup rate and increase your sales?

Well, now there is!

TAP features the best-performing ad sources based on REAL PROOF OF RESULTS from tracking stats.

These sites are in the downline builder for one reason only - they get RESULTS and now YOU have the PROOF!

See at a glance which advertising sources are DELIVERING RESULTS RIGHT NOW based on plain, honest FACTS!

TAP takes the guesswork out of advertising!
Tom Radcliff


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Did you know NLS is the only 1 stop company online?

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Truly, through what Now Lifestyle has finally become.

Everything, that you need to build a successful business, income, and lifestyle with.

Is all packaged into 1 company. And 1 system.

There is no need to go find another autoresponder, it already has one built in.

Trying to find pages that convert? They're already made : )

Need traffic sources, and free ones? Yep, they're in their too...

Digital products? Done...
Physical products for consumers? Done...

Pays out well? 90% in residual commissions. PLUS Top-tier!

Pays out every month? It has for the past 10 years actually : )

Yes, I'm talking only you right now.

Have NO excuse, in why you shouldn't already be in Now Lifestyle. At-least being a reseller, and maybe even All In right now.

I made a page for you tonight, even though it's 12, to highlight everything you should know about NLS...

This is brand new...

Come take a look...

Did I mention NLS is coming out with it's own conference software as well?

And that it already has 50,000 members and we've referred 2,500 + of them ourselves?

And that Now Lifestyle has paid us over $64,000?

Just thought I'd let you know...
Because I can't WAIT..

To help you do even more than we already have!: )

With our kindest regards,
John Weberg
Richard Weberg


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Time to Start Seeing Results You Deserve.

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Hi Blogger,

It's Time You Start To See Results You Deserve!

If you are frustrated with your advertising results,
I want to share a site with you that has all the right answers.

First of all, mails do still work best for getting sign ups
and earning commissions.

REFERRAL FRENZY gives you the ability to mail to over 100 top
sites with just a few clicks! (Marty's Petrizza's site)

Now imagine how many more people you will reach in less time,
and how much better your results will be.

You get live stats for your mails results and can easily see
when you can mail again.

To give you a great boost in your advertising as well you will
get a monthly advertising package that you can claim in the
bonus area!!

You will receive 89,200 mailer credits, 16,950 surf credits,
224,600 banner credits and 224,600 texts credits from 98 sites.

You simply haven't been given the opportunity for success that
Referral Frenzy wants to give you.

Get set up today and lock in a membership that will actually
make a difference in your online success.

Click the link below!


Chauncey Penfold

-This is a commercial email message and the party sending it
to you is located at One Thousand Nineteen Fortune Road,
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Incredible Bonuses from George and Sandi!

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Hello Blogger:

As the OWNERS of Worldprofit it gives us the ability to GIVE you these incredible bonuses BELOW just for checking us out!

Packages Include:

• 500,000 Advertising Credits - From Worldprofits 8 TOP Safelists & Exchanges FREE

• Traffic To 5 Sites For ONE Full Year with NO Limits (Get Details AFTER You Signup)

• Run Your 5 Solo Ads For ONE Full Year (Get Details AFTER You Signup)

• GOLD Banner Rotator - Traffic To 5 Sites For ONE Full Year (Get Details AFTER You Signup)

• 5 Solo Ad Blasts To Over 135,000 - Promote Affiliate Links - Send ANYTIME (Get Details AFTER You Signup)

• Safelist King - The name says it all! You get 20,000 Credits

• Traffic Center - Since 2002 We have over 8,000 Members. You get 10,000 Visitor Credits

• Ultimate Safelist Exchange - Over 15,000 Members. You get 100,000 Credits

Our Traffic Campaigns And Training Programs Work Great With All Website Types Including:

* Any Affiliate Program
* Business Opportunities
* List building and social connections

Get Details & Signup F R E E:

Yours In Success,
Gary Seargeant

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Blogger Urgent Leader Alert - Exploding New Launch

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Hi Blogger

Here is how you can Turn a ONE TIME 
$2 payment into 104 bucks OVER & Over Again ... !

It Really is Easier Than You Think!

And it is Affordable For Everyone!

- Only 2 To Get Started - Affordable For Everyone!
- NO LIMIT to the Number of Entries You Can Earn
- Earn a 25% Matching Bonus on Direct Referrals Earnings in All Matrices!
- Earn More High Quality Advertising With Every Entry and Re-entry!
- All Re-entry Positions and Matrix to Matrix Upgrades are Fully Automated
- A Built-in PIF (Pay It Forward) System to Help You Build Your Team and 
      Create Fast and Easy Duplication-

Only $2 To Start! Do NOT Miss Out! 
See you there Blogger

Join me on the next page! 

Best Regards

Morten Kristensen
Internet Marketing


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - TopHitMailer: Silver Upgrade Promo Code + 20-Pack - NO CHARGE!

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Silver Upgrade Promo Code at SafelistXL – NO CHARGE! GOLD Upgrade Dime-Sale Starting As Low As 21.00!

Hi there, it’s Dave Mosher in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX again with yet ANOTHER Silver Upgrade Promo Code for the next 2,500 Members!

We’ve updated TopHitMailer with the newest version of my script, and I want to help you get as many referrals and commissions as possible!

TopHitMailer already has over 600 members…but it’s time for some fresh blood, and I love taking over a site and pumping new life into it!

Just for registering as a member, you’ll automatically receive:

5000 Credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 HP Solos, 5 Banners, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links

Then in the Member’s Area, towards the Top, Center, where it says, “Redeem Promo Code,” you’ll want to submit Promo Code: 2500SILVERUPGRADES

This will give you:

A Life-Time SILVER Upgrade with 10,000 Credits EVERY SINGLE MONTH
15,000 Credits, 15 Solo Ads, 15 HP Solo Ads, 15 Banner Ads, 15 Button Ads, and 15 Text Ads.

The Solo Ads and HP Solos are KEY! While you can only send Credit Mails to a specified number of members based on your membership level, Solo Ads and HP Solos go out to ALL Members! THAT’S HUGE!!!


Earn BONUS Ads and Credits for EVERY 10 Ads Clicked!

ELITE Members go into my advertising rotator, receive ALL of my referrals, AND EARN 75% Commissions!

I've also set up a Dime-Sale/Fire-Sale for BOTH the VIP and GOLD OTO's! So if you lockin an OTO Upgrade, don't worry, you can still use the Promo Code to receive all of the extra ads without affecting your higher upgrade.

The VIP OTO Dime-Sale starts at 37.00, going up 10 cents after each purchase. The regular Login Offer GOLD Upgrade Dime-Sale starts as low as 21.00, going up 10 cents after each purchase (it also includes 9 super solos, surpassing the value of the upgrade).

To your online success!

Dave Mosher – TopHitMailer


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Easy System Makes You Sales On Autopilot

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Here is the direct link to an easy system I have been using daily to get real visitors, eager and willing to buy from me and make some quick cash on the net.

This system doesn't just show you what to advertise.

It also shows you WHERE and HOW to advertise.

You will love the killer ads.

They are highly effective!

The system is easy, and you will not need a website to see the difference and maybe even bank some payments as early as tonight.

See You There,
David Hall

Go Here...


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LOW PRICE $39.99

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ó¾­© Earn $47 PayPal Payments Instantly!

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Hello Blogger,

WOW! Find Out How I'm Making $500 A Day


The payments keep coming in daily. No BS and No Scams! Can you use an additional $100 or $300 or $500+ a day?


This 100% DONE for you and FULLY automated website makes

* 100% Instant Commissions
* Low entry cost
* Easy Copy & Paste system, step by step system!

Start Earning Daily Income Today...


Much Success,

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Over 80,000 List Members Added To "Your Viral Sites!

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Over 80,000 List Members Added To "Your Viral Sites!

Hi Blogger,

Now TopTierMailer is part of the "Your Viral" network!
Just Launched 1/29/18! Going Crazy! Up-Grades Mail Daily

Top Up-grades At Low, Low, Prices! Only 6 Dollars A Month!

Premium Members get a massive amount of benefits:

- 1,000 DAILY Mailing Credits
- Double Credits for Clicking Email Links
- Send Messages Every Day (Free Is 3 Days)
- Earn 50% Commissions
- Random Referrals to Your Downline
- Viral Pass Up Members from Your Referrals

Don't Wait, Join NOW! Unbelievable Benefits, Get In Early!

This Site Will Be VERY Important To YOUR On-Line Success!

All The Best To YOU,
john worsham


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What You Want Is Right Here!

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Hey there Blogger,

It's the start of a New Year, and that means it's time to take new

How about one that gives you MAJOR earning potential and access to
responsive viral traffic for your business?

Check out the offer I've put together and see what works best for you.
I know you need traffic, and you might just also be looking for a new
way to earn real income this year.

This Is IT!

So make this year one to remember and get in on the good stuff now!

To Your Success,
Marci Jones-Fritz

P.S. Everyone knows upgraded members get more, and you'll get DOUBLE
the Bribe when you take ANY upgrade!

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Build YOUR list Drive quality traffic to your Ads

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Free Solo Email Offers Ends Today

Hi Blogger,

Today is the final day to get a free 2,000 member solo email from Social Message Connect.

You get to promote your lead capture page or opportunity to 2,000 people without having to click a single ad.

Saturday at midnight, it is all over. Make sure you join before then!
>>>>> Click the Credit Link

Other "Your Viral Network" sites

Start building YOUR list while driving quality traffic to your opportunities.

>>>>> Click the Credit Link

I'm a huge fan (and business partner) of Matthew Graves, and feel that these are the MOST EFFECTIVE MAILERS that I use - getting 80-140 clicks for EVERY EMAIL I SEND.

All his sites also build your list - they are integrated with YOUR autoresponder. The whole funnel is Done-For-You.

Or, you can EARN YOUR PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP by passing up 5 referrals to your sponsor. That gets you 90 Days of Premium Membership just from promoting your referral url.

Premium Members get a massive amount of benefits:

- 1,000 DAILY Mailing Credits
- Double Credits for Clicking Email Links
- Send Messages Every Day (Free Is 3 Days)
- Earn 50% Commissions
- Random Referrals to Your Downline
- Viral Pass Up Members from Your Referrals

Questions?  Email, chat, or submit Helpdesk ticket

Rich Moyer
1-484-902-8819 m-f 8am-5pm EST
Email: richard.moyer.1953@gmail .com
Get a Free 10 Minute Consult.
Paying It Forward...


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This Is Almost Sold Out!

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Hi there,

I wanted to let you in on an amazing secret…

About 4 online methods of making instant cash…

Methods that literally ANYONE can use…

From anywhere in the world…

Without spending any more than 30 minutes of their day.

Theres zero risk when you take action today and pick up your copy of 30 Minute Money Methods.

All the best,


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Much more commissions only in pre-launch!

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Join now to our new mailer and take advantages of pre-launch! Only in pre-launch: Commissions are increased with 10% (up to 60%) Special offer for all upgrades Upgrades can be paid with commissions Signup now and start promote to get bigger commissions! Paul Serban, Admin


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - From Struggling Online to Making 10k per Month...

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No limits on your monthly income…

Hey it’s Stan,

Did you see the LEVER that retired school teacher Jill V. is using,
to earn up to $50K in a month?

…While she works on her schedule.
…Working just a couple hours a day.
…Giving her freedom and fulfillment.
…She’s in full control of her finances now.
…No more limits on her income and lifestyle.
And, she’s done it by trying…

Click on the the Credit Link for all the details, 

She’s earning a great income now, and she’s building a tidy
Nest Egg for the future…

Right now, you can get a free coach and follow the same system
to get to your first $10k months too, if you’ll stick to the steps.

If you’ve got 60 minutes a day to spare…

===> Hear Jill’s Story and use the system she’s happily using
after springing out of retirement…

Click on the the Credit Link and get started Today!

All the best,

Stan Fuller

PS I’m not saying you’ll make nearly $300k like Jill has overnight.
But you’ll be getting the same system she’s using, and you can be
up to $100k reasonably in the next year, maybe sooner?

===> Click on the the Credit Link Below


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Claim YOUR OWN Dollar Funnel System!

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Dear Colleague,

Please be advised that we have set up a new edition
of our Prosperity Marketing System (PMS).

Our PMS is the ONLY place you can create your own
fully customized downline builder and promote up
to 16 programs of YOUR choice while earning 100%

You can now even change our

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - #TheRevolution has begun, Worldwide aid for others and BTC rewards too

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ATTENTION ###, $25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing is about to Launch  $$$

==>Tell yourself, I WILL live by the Golden unto others

as you would have them do unto you."

$25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing will help Countless masses of Earthquake/Hurricane Victims, etc.

THIS is TRULY a Game-Changer for ANYONE who Loves helping People.
Just D@ it, JustJoin & Start Sharing $$$$ CLICK CREDIT LINK BELOW $$$$

YOU will be rewarded by being a part of worldwide Humanitarian aid.

The weather changes, right, and the WORLD WILL CHANGE this fall, when

$25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing laun ches, PLUS, YOU will EA RN BI TCOIN or ca$h while helping others....

Best of all.  ONLY $25, ONE TIME ONLY=Awesome results,

not just for a few but for everyone! The "Big Dawg" Leaders worldwide

are pro-moting really, really, heavy, so don't get left behind

because my T.E.A.M. and others are creating MA$$IVE SPIL LOVER with

our Global Leadership group the $25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing Mentoring Network !!
Just D@ it, JustJoin & Start Sharing $$$$ CLICK CREDIT LINK BELOW $$$$

Thank you,

Gary Page -- Turn The Page Promotions -- @gwpage

TEXT:  318-990-0062 or email:  turnthepagepromotions AT gmailDOTcom

P.S.  Get your ProfitPal Spokesperson like Melania: linktrack DOT info/profitpals

P.S.S.   I still believe in miracles my friends, and I KNOW you do too !


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - FINALLY You BIG Guy

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NEW, 1O.00 Biz,  Mon*ey Daily To Infinity..

Hello Blogger ,

ROCK Solid  $10.00, 1-UP  Marketing System..
"WORKS LIKE CRAZY" We Are Changing Lives
All Over The World, And This Will Change
Your Life Too.

PLEASE,  Take This Seriously, Unlimited Income
For Life.. Converts at 60-70% Just Watch This
Short Video You Will Be Blown Away..
Yours in suc*cess,
Gla*d Martin


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Welcome to the Midnight Diamond Club!

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Hello Blogger,

Welcome to the Midnight Diamond Club.
Make 2018 the year you succeed on line.
We offer SOLO Ads, Text Advertising and Banner Advertising.
Join us today and find out how you can get all the goodies!
Upgrades at 10 advertising sites
Profit Shares from a collection of sites
Money Back Guarantee worth $72.00 when you join our downline at Prosperity Marketing System.
More to Come.

Best Wishes,
Dennis Hagan

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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Vital Is The Credit Card That Pays You (Now In Pre Launch)

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(Backed By Visa)

The Credit Card That Pays You To Share.

Get paid cash forever each time you share VITAL with your friends.

Plus earn 1% cash back on all transactions.

We all use credit cards,

why not get paid for sharing one with others.

This is something we all can earn from.

To your success



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - A Hybrid Phenom(The Golden Rule), crowd funding, mentoring, and world-wide appeal

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ATTENTION ###, $25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing is about to Launch  $$$

==>Tell yourself, I WILL live by the Golden unto others

as you would have them do unto you."

$25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing will help Countless masses of Earthquake/Hurricane Victims, etc.

THIS is TRULY a Game-Changer for ANYONE who Loves helping People.
Just D@ it, JustJoin & Start Sharing $$$$ CLICK CREDIT LINK BELOW $$$$

YOU will be rewarded by being a part of worldwide Humanitarian aid.

The weather changes, right, and the WORLD WILL CHANGE this fall, when

$25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing laun ches, PLUS, YOU will EA RN BI TCOIN or ca$h while helping others....

Best of all.  ONLY $25, ONE TIME ONLY=Awesome results,

not just for a few but for everyone! The "Big Dawg" Leaders worldwide

are pro-moting really, really, heavy, so don't get left behind

because my T.E.A.M. and others are creating MA$$IVE SPIL LOVER with

our Global Leadership group the $25 Miracle Crowd Fund ing Mentoring Network !!
Just D@ it, JustJoin & Start Sharing $$$$ CLICK CREDIT LINK BELOW $$$$

Thank you,

Gary Page -- Turn The Page Promotions -- @gwpage

TEXT:  318-990-0062 or email:  turnthepagepromotions AT gmailDOTcom

P.S.  Get your ProfitPal Spokesperson like Melania: linktrack DOT info/profitpals

P.S.S.   I still believe in miracles my friends, and I KNOW you do too !


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - >>==> MONEY Loves SPEED . . .

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Blogger, making money online is a
matter of spotting good, legitimate
and long lasting programs that provide
value and are run by honest and active 

It's about making a decision quickly and
taking action.

There is a reason for statements like these:
* Early Bird gets the Worm
* First one in line wins
* First Movers Advantage


Get Super Fast 100% Instant Commissions
and Build your List Faster
Hurry and see this and don't delay . . .


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I am giving away a FR EE 3 Day/2 Night holiday to

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I am giving away a FR EE 3 Day/2 Night holiday to everyone who signs up from this ad!

At last I have found a decent, honest website run by 2 decent, honest ex Marketers with over 61 years experience between them! The compensation plan is more than generous and puts most of the other companies on line to shame.

I have already built a decent sized team but am always looking for that someone who can take this business to a whole new level while at the same time he or she gets very rich from their efforts.

The business is called Genusity and the name comes from the Latin for Family (Genus) and the ity is from unity which is what the 2 Owners stress and believe in
The Product is a series of mini machines which broadcasts a message and website to every Blue Tooth enabled mobile phone within a certain distance of that machine and believe me when I tell you that every business man or woman is going to want one of these or more than one) to get their message out to the consumer and the customer in the door How many people do you see with their noses buried in their cell phones ?

You dont have to be a sales person to sell these machines as a sell itself feature is built in to the if you want that Free holiday and want to be a distributor and make lots of money, put your details in the box provided. Rest assured Your details will NEVER be shared with anyone else!

Keith Darby
myQuikAboutMe page :-

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Why You Will NEVER Be Successful

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The reason?

You're missing the one most important element of success,

But lucky you, I got YOU the hook-up...

Get the missing piece here

And start earning more per week than your neighbor earns per month!


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - TopHitMailer: Silver Upgrade Promo Code + 20-Pack - NO CHARGE!

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Silver Upgrade Promo Code at SafelistXL – NO CHARGE! GOLD Upgrade Dime-Sale Starting As Low As 21.00!

Hi there, it’s Dave Mosher in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX again with yet ANOTHER Silver Upgrade Promo Code for the next 2,500 Members!

We’ve updated TopHitMailer with the newest version of my script, and I want to help you get as many referrals and commissions as possible!

TopHitMailer already has over 600 members…but it’s time for some fresh blood, and I love taking over a site and pumping new life into it!

Just for registering as a member, you’ll automatically receive:

5000 Credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 HP Solos, 5 Banners, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links

Then in the Member’s Area, towards the Top, Center, where it says, “Redeem Promo Code,” you’ll want to submit Promo Code: 2500SILVERUPGRADES

This will give you:

A Life-Time SILVER Upgrade with 10,000 Credits EVERY SINGLE MONTH
15,000 Credits, 15 Solo Ads, 15 HP Solo Ads, 15 Banner Ads, 15 Button Ads, and 15 Text Ads.

The Solo Ads and HP Solos are KEY! While you can only send Credit Mails to a specified number of members based on your membership level, Solo Ads and HP Solos go out to ALL Members! THAT’S HUGE!!!


Earn BONUS Ads and Credits for EVERY 10 Ads Clicked!

ELITE Members go into my advertising rotator, receive ALL of my referrals, AND EARN 75% Commissions!

I've also set up a Dime-Sale/Fire-Sale for BOTH the VIP and GOLD OTO's! So if you lockin an OTO Upgrade, don't worry, you can still use the Promo Code to receive all of the extra ads without affecting your higher upgrade.

The VIP OTO Dime-Sale starts at 37.00, going up 10 cents after each purchase. The regular Login Offer GOLD Upgrade Dime-Sale starts as low as 21.00, going up 10 cents after each purchase (it also includes 9 super solos, surpassing the value of the upgrade).

To your online success!

Dave Mosher – TopHitMailer


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Send your ad to 5,000,000 Leads

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Blast your ad to 5,000,000 Leads for FREE.

Email your ad to fresh double opt-in Leads EVERYDAY.

Check it out below!


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - BEST Viral Mailer Tools - FREE!

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Find the BEST tools for using Viral Mailers! Add your referral IDs and promote them all with one link!

Introducing an AWESOME Viral Mailer that lets you mail whenever you want to, without any limits! It's the Mail This List Viral Mailer!

No waiting between mailings, and generous surf rates! You'll get your message out fast, and when YOU want to!

Fill out the Downline Builder and your links will show on our splash pages!

Join now! Free Monthly Credits!


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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Free SJV and 150,000 Credits-Your Choice of 15 Ways to Advertise

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Brand New Site: My Solo Sender

This is a lifetime SJV Upgrade!! Completely Free!!

Your Start up pack starts off with 150,000 Credits and 10 Solo Ads

But we don’t stop there, it also features a 5 Pack of each of the following: 468 Banners, Button banners, Hot Links, Traffic Links and Login Ads.

Other advertisement features are Text Ads, HTML Ads, Headline Ads, Top and Bottom Navigation Ads, Header and Footer Solo Ads, Header Ads, Hot Headline Ads, Hot Header Ads, HP Solos, Set N Forget Solos and Full Page Sponsor Ads.

Your Promo Code is sjv.


Danny Solomon



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[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Run your text ads on thirteen thousand sites from one location!

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Want the best traffic and income stream online?

To date we have generated 45,249,669 real views to our members sites and
blocked 3,298,892 bad sources of traffic to increase your productivity!

Unlike any other traffic generation system you can even post
to without using your Social Account!

The ONLY system on the internet that GUARANTEES every view you get is unique!*

The ONLY system with its own Community Downline Builder where YOU decide what we list!

A must have for those on a shoestring budget!
and for all marketers!


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Claim Your Login Spotlight Reward

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Hi Blogger,

There is a new login spotlight site this week, which means you can earn 10 credits just for logging into your account.

Claim your reward here:


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Truly Unlimited Paid Referrals

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Hi Blogger,

Are you struggling to get referrals?

Our system of recruiting only PAID TrafficWave (TW) referrals is truly extraordinary.

Not only will you receive PAID TW referrals from our team but every time one of your direct
referrals is in the hot seat of our first rotator, you will receive another PAID TW referral.
Our new system truly does deliver an unlimited number of PAID TW referrals!

You really do need to check out our system. This new system has never been seen before and
it is working!

Please click on the link below and complete the capture page that you see.

It is at that point that you will receive the amazing details of our spectacular new system.
Receiving our team details does not obligate you in any way.

To your success,
Glen Palo


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Blogger, Do you face a challenge directly?

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Hi Blogger,

I invite you free of charge at FreeMart's 100k
in 90 days challenge!

No matter what experiences you've had in your
quest for a safer financial future, you will
hardly find a better opportunity than we can
offer you.

We give you the opportunity to achieve your
dreams, regardless of whether you have equity
to start with or not.

The recipe for how to become one of many people
who achieve 100k in 90 days will you find on this

To Your Success,
Einar Amundsen


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Fast Cash For Slow Times

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Have you ever felt that when it comes to
making money online, time just doesn’t
seem to be on your side?

Sure, there’s lots of stuff out there which
is good in the long run but takes too long
to do when you're just getting started and
your bank account is just desperate for a

That’s why I want to share something you
can use immediately! Not tomorrow. Not
next week. TODAY!

All you have to do is click here to copy
this money-making “shortcut” now.

Everything is laid out for you in a simple and
easy-to-understand way. And the best part it:
You can use it repeatedly to make money
faster than you can imagine.

You don't need to stop once you get there!
Use it for a quick cash boost anytime you


Linda Paulk


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Build Your List with TopTierMailer

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Matthew Graves has relaunched TopTierMailer as a member of the `Your Viral` network.

Now it will be a top-notch traffic source to get signups and sales to your opportunities, and also an amazing list builder, even if you don`t yet have an autoresponder.

You can start building your list by promoting high-converting capture pages and signup offers. Every person who joins TopTierMailer from your promotions can earn you commissions, pass up members to your list, and also be integrated with the most popular autoresponders whenever you are ready.

You send traffic ... we convert into commissions and list members.

It doesn`t get easier than that!

We even tell you which traffic sources are working for you, with our industry-leading tracking and reports.

You also get access to see which sites are producing the highest signup rates for all the members in our Best and Lowest Converting Traffic reports.

No other system gives you more intelligence on how to succeed in traffic and conversions online.

Join TopTierMailer today!

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Steady cash flow plus leads for any business!

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Hey Blogger,

Here is a "Done-For-You" System
that creates steady cash flow and
leads for any business online
in a much faster and easier way!

PROVEN BLUEPRINT for a $500 per
day game plan you can start using
LEADS From Home!

Start earning today!

Bonnie Waters


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New Powerful Automated Email Marketing Technology

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Hi Blogger,

If you Truly want to be Successful in
2018, you need to have the most Up To
Date Automated Email Marketing Technology.

There is No Other Automated Email
Marketing System on the Internet
that Even Comes Close To This.

Try IT FREE For 30 Days And See
Just What Your Missing

To Your 2018 Success,


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TopTierMailer is Now Building Your List (Launched Today)

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TopTierMailer is Now Building Your List (Launched Today)

Hi Blogger,

TopTierMailer has relaunched as a member of the "Your Viral" network.

Now it will be a top-notch traffic source to get signups and sales to your opportunities, and also an amazing list builder, even if you don't yet have an auto-responder.

You can start building your list by promoting high-converting capture pages and signup offers.

Every person who joins TopTierMailer from your promotions can earn you commissions, pass up members to your list, and also be integrated with the most popular auto-responders whenever you are ready.

You send traffic ... we convert them into commissions and list members.

It doesn't get easier than that.

We even tell you which traffic sources are working for you with our industry leading tracking and reports.

You also get access to see which sites are producing the highest signup rates for all the members in our Best and Lowest Converting Traffic reports.

No other system gives you more intelligence on how to succeed in traffic and conversions online.

Join TopTierMailer today!

The Very Best To YOU,
john worsham


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Would 500 Dollars A Month Help You Out A Little

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Would 500 Dollars Extra A Month Make A Difference To Your Life?

Lets get started!
- let me help you to earn at least 500 plus dollars online
each month.

Its NOT complicated or rocket science.

Step 1
Take action, click the link below and join

Step 2
Read the Quick Start Guide and follow it through
- the top leaders in the industry share this with you
for free

Step 3
Share a link to get eyeballs
- work hard, be consistent and take little steps forward
each day

Come and join me

To your success

Facebook Maureen E Charlton
Twitter CharltonBennett
Linked In Maureen Charlton
Mobile (UK) +447930527797

PS Millionaires will be created in 2018!
The question is do YOU wish to be one of them?

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Be seen starting today !

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What would you say if I told you that you can have your sites showing in hundreds of exchanges for less than the price of a monthly upgrade in one exchange?

The Downliner has been set up to be one of the easiest traffic systems online today and even earns you commissions on all your referrals.

So instead of joining over 15506 traffic exchanges, safelists and PTCs just join The Downliner and add your link. What could be simpler?

brenda underwood

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Send An Ad

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Send A Solo
-open to the public for a limited time
-possible resend

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Get What You Need Here!

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Hey there Blogger,

Are you tired of spending hours clicking just to get some
visitors to your sites?

Then you need to get some hands free viral traffic and put the
power of this awesome exchange to work for YOU!

It's all about getting the maximum exposure for the least amount
of time and work. You can save yourself hours of clicking and
get thousands of viral visitors for less than the price of lunch.

So what are you waiting for?

Give your ads a shot of responsive viral traffic and claim your
Bonus Ads when you sign up along with my holiday bribe!

That way you can still get yourself some exposure even if you
miss out on those insane offers they have when you join.

To Your Success,
Marci Jones-Fritz

P.S. You can skip the OTO if you want, but you'll miss out
on more than just 50 Percent Commissions for Life. So be sure to
read carefully, cause your time is precious and this deal is one
of the best!

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Is Your Business a Waste of Time?

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Hi Blogger

Is your online business actually working?

Or are you just clicking your life away trying
to get stuff to work that just plain doesn't
work for anyone?

It's just that there's no point in wasting time
on something if it's not making you a regular

I found something that actually banked an
average of 17 usd for every person who
clicked on a link in an email.

Please have a look at this as soon as you can.


PS In our industry Work only Works if you do it right.

So start doing it right - right now.


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Duplication Just Got WAY Easier!

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This one is a great one from a business standpoint.

Simple...perfect for beginners, sets up in minutes.

Established 5+ year track record.

Ridiculously low monthly cost but huge opportunity to earn an
above average income.

Super low monthly costs allow you and your team members to be able
to invest more of your budget into advertising and traffic generation.

This will start as a trickle but will grow steadily into an above
average income when you stay consistent with your advertising.

NO...this won't make you rich in 28 days!!!

30 minutes a day on your traffic generation with this opportunity
will start to grow a real business you will be proud of...

All the best,

David Suiter
suiter505 at gmail dot com


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TopHitMailer: Silver Upgrade Promo Code + 20-Pack - NO CHARGE!

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Silver Upgrade Promo Code at SafelistXL â€" NO CHARGE! GOLD Upgrade Dime-Sale Starting As Low As 21.00!

Hi there, it’s Dave Mosher in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX again with yet ANOTHER Silver Upgrade Promo Code for the next 2,500 Members!

We’ve updated TopHitMailer with the newest version of my script, and I want to help you get as many referrals and commissions as possible!

TopHitMailer already has over 600 members…but it’s time for some fresh blood, and I love taking over a site and pumping new life into it!

Just for registering as a member, you’ll automatically receive:

5000 Credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 HP Solos, 5 Banners, 5 Button Ads, and 5 Text Links

Then in the Member’s Area, towards the Top, Center, where it says, “Redeem Promo Code,” you’ll want to submit Promo Code: 2500SILVERUPGRADES

This will give you:

A Life-Time SILVER Upgrade with 10,000 Credits EVERY SINGLE MONTH
15,000 Credits, 15 Solo Ads, 15 HP Solo Ads, 15 Banner Ads, 15 Button Ads, and 15 Text Ads.

The Solo Ads and HP Solos are KEY! While you can only send Credit Mails to a specified number of members based on your membership level, Solo Ads and HP Solos go out to ALL Members! THAT’S HUGE!!!


Earn BONUS Ads and Credits for EVERY 10 Ads Clicked!

ELITE Members go into my advertising rotator, receive ALL of my referrals, AND EARN 75% Commissions!

I've also set up a Dime-Sale/Fire-Sale for BOTH the VIP and GOLD OTO's! So if you lockin an OTO Upgrade, don't worry, you can still use the Promo Code to receive all of the extra ads without affecting your higher upgrade.

The VIP OTO Dime-Sale starts at 37.00, going up 10 cents after each purchase. The regular Login Offer GOLD Upgrade Dime-Sale starts as low as 21.00, going up 10 cents after each purchase (it also includes 9 super solos, surpassing the value of the upgrade).

To your online success!

Dave Mosher â€" TopHitMailer


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