Extra Promo Code Today + 50 Free Solos
From MadMoneySolos
Hi there, it’s Dave Mosher from Dallas-Fort Worth, TX again. If you haven’t checked out MadMoneySolos as of yet, or even if you have already joined, today I want to give you an EXTRA Promo Code you can use on top of our current promotions.
• It costs you nothing to join MadMoneySolos
• Just for registering, you’ll receive 5,000 credits, 5 Solo Ads, 5 HP Solo Ads, 5 Banner Ads, 5 Button Banner Ads, and 5 Text Links – NO CHARGE!
• Whether you choose to purchase an upgrade or not, you’ll want to use the following promo code (if you purchase an upgrade, it won’t affect your upgrade, it will just add the bonus ads to your account): MADSILVERUPGRADE
This will give you a Silver Upgrade if you didn’t purchase an upgrade; and it will give you 15,000 credits, 15 Solo Ads, 15 HP Solo Ads, 15 Banner Ads, 15 Button Banner Ads, and 15 Text Ads.
• As a BONUS, I’ve set up another 5-pack Promo Code that will expire April 30th, 2018, and can be used by existing or new members. Just as a thank you for helping the site to grow. Use My Promo Code: april302018
Don’t forget, we have a referral contest going on until May 1st, 2018. So feel free to give those promo codes away to help you get new referrals. Even the BONUS 5-Pack Promo Code until it expires on April 30th.
To your online success!
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