
[Speedy Super Solo Network] - Urgent Alert - Just LAUNCHED! BitSystemX The Next Passive Monster Get Multiple Bitcoin Automated Pay

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Earn Unlimited Income..

Hi All,

I just got going on this and it's going to be a good one for us to earn Bitcoin.... You can make good money easily here. 50% Sponsor Bonus!!!

Looks like a straight forward way of everyone making money here.  We are building unilevel x 5 level downline with more products coming next week. So, get ready..

The owner is Steve Kiehl. I have exchanged a few emails with him and he was very prompt and answered all my questions.
He seems like a nice person to work with. Below are some of the answers to my questions... 
You can earn 50% commission all all of your recruits purchases. The real earning comes from the Bitcoin trading done on your behalf..
Starters packs are $50 and of course $25 is paid out in commission for that purchase. The real money is here when trading is done and you earn $1,000 on that trading package.. The $100 one-time earns you $2,000 in trade commission and the $300 package earn you $7,000 in commission. You can own as many of these packages as you wish driving the affiliate commissions up... Big money there.
You can buy using all major credit or debit cards and with Bitcoin. Commissions will be paid out through Bitcoin or direct deposit.
Just go to the bottom of the web page
and click on the BLUE Pre-Registration
ICON located on the bottom left hand side of the page 
Be sure to watch the video for more information.



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