
[Speedy Super Solo Network] - What is Google Saying ???

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"Beacon technology is poised to change the way consumers interact with brands,
making devices more helpful and revolutionizing the way retail marketers measure 
the offline impact of online ads."

When it comes to cutting-edge retail marketing, what one technology is top of minds?: beacons. 

In fact, more than a million beacons are expected to be installed in U.S. retail stores this year alone. 

But right now, many marketers only think about using beacons to push phone notifications.

At Google, we think beacons technology has the potential to do much, much more for consumers, brands, and marketers.

For consumers, this means a frictionless shopping experience, with fewer gaps between channels
For retail marketers, it means reaching the right person at the right time with the right message.

Basically google is saying

DON"T Miss This Opportunity!

VERY Important to remember my Name..John Ducette



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