
Automated Email Testing To Maximize Your Clicks

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Hello Blogger,

Split Test Mailer was just launched by Matthew Graves. It has
automated email split testing on every email you send.

Split Test Mailer automates the whole testing and sending process for you when mailing to the safelists.

You put two versions of your email into the system. It sends each version to small samples, tracks the opens and clicks to pick which one is best. It then sends the winning copy to the entire list.

If you have your sites linked, then it can send the winner to all the other mailers in the Your Viral Network too!

Split Test Mailer will actually test your emails to determine which one gets the most opens and clicks, and then send that email to the entire membership and the other 15 mails in the Your Viral Network.

It is free to join and use.
Click to Join and Test Your Emails to Get Better Results!

All the Best
Willard Brown


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