
Blogger A Passive Income From Twitter?

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Hello There
Unless you’re a relentless blogger, keeping on top of
your social media promotions is a grind.

But we all know how important it is to keep your followers
happy, and the only way to do that is to provide interesting
and valuable content every single day.

I’ll be the first to admit that I often used to neglect my followers.
I think we all do. Even though I had the very best of intentions,
after a few days of updates I’d get distracted, bored or just forget.

But not anymore, because…

I now have my entire Twitter campaign running on auto-pilot. :)

This is how it works…

Every couple hours the system automatically
posts a Tweet to my account.

Most of the Tweets are what I call “pieces of value”.
These tweets are pure content, they don’t try to sell
anything, they just give my followers value.

These Tweets are vital because they get the most likes
and retweets. They not only keep my followers happy
but they also help to grow my account.
Everyday the system posts a link to a fantastic product or
service that’ll solve my followers my pressing problems.
And lots of my followers buy them!

Even though these products aren’t mine, and I never have to
deal with anybody, process any orders or ship anything,
when my followers buy them I get paid!

Setting up the system is easy, in just a couple of hours you
can have everything running on Auto-pilot. So by tomorrow
morning, you never even have to think about it again.

Gone are the days of having to remember to post an update.
Your Twitter account will completely take care of itself, and as
your following grows you make more and more money
from Twitter every single day.

If you’d like to check out this system for yourself and discover
how you can generate a completely passive income from
Twitter tonight, click on the link below.

Have a great day,
John Lederer
Marketer since 1995
Online since 2000

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