
[Speedy Super Solo Network] - More Prospects + Compelling Sales Offers = More Commissions

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YourSuccessAdvantage 30 Day Challenge.

Making more money comes down to the simple math of ...

  • More Quality Visitors + High Converting Offer = More Prospects
  • More Prospects + Compelling Sales Offers = More Commissions

Here is a great quote:

"When members do what is good for them, everyone in the system wins. The hallmark of a great system." - Matthew Graves


So, here is your chance...

The YourSuccessAdvantage 30 Day Challenge is going to be a great opportunity for existing members, and for new people who want to give the system a try.


Here is how it works:

We will have a new lead capture funnel giving your visitors a chance to join the 30 Day Challenge, which starts on March 1st.

That gives a 6 day pre-launch window for me to promote this and get as many people into the challenge as possible.

Those joining the 30 Day Challenge will get full use of the YourSuccessAdvantage system for 30 days for FREE.


During the 30 days of the Challenge, Matthew will be encouraging 30 Day Challenge Participants daily to join all the programslink them and to send traffic to the lead capture pages. There will be special leaderboards, contests and promotions to encourage you, a Challenge participant, to setup and promote the system. Lots of communication, bonuses, and prizes to keep you focused on making the most of the opportunity.


I have never seen ANY program or system present SO MANY incentives bonuses, and opportunities to succeed.  Know that I will continue to share my PROCESS and RESOURCES that I personally use that has kept me on the Leader Boards for the past 2 years.


What you can do NOW

  • Sign up as a free member of YourSuccessAdvantage using the 30 Day Challenge link below
  • On the pop-up, click the red  Get Instant Access!  button and follow the instructions to GET READY.
  • On the pop-up, click the link, Get another 18,000 credits for free

Once the 30 Day Challenge Launches, PROMOTE YOUR CLOAKED AFFILIATE LINK using the ad copy provided at the sites I listed on my Resources page.  Be sure to create YOUR OWN SUBJECT LINES and rotate them!

Rich Moyer


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